breeding toadsSometime between late July and September, the endemic and endangered Western Leopard Toads migrate from their garden homes to various water bodies, like Die Oog, to breed. Unfortunately, this migration is fraught with danger. As a result of urban development the toads’ breeding sites have been cut off from their residential gardens by busy roads. Each year, hundreds of these toads are killed by speeding motorists. However, it is easy to make a difference to the plight of this endangered species.

As a resident of one of their breeding sites you can:

  • Welcome toads to your garden by having a toad friendly garden by avoiding pesticides, building toad abodes and, if possible, providing a safe exit from pools and ponds
  • Make access holes in your garden wall so that toads can exit and enter freely
  • Keep an eye open for the toads on the road-if you find a toad in the road, move it to the side of the road it was facing
  • SLOW down when driving during breeding season, especially on rainy nights
  • Tell your friends /neighbours about the importance of these toads as indicator species as they are incredibly important for the ecology as they represent the state of the environment, needing good, clean water to survive, their disappearance showing that the environment is under threat.
  • Tell someone -if you see any of these toads, please visit to register your sighting. This website contains a wealth of information about Western Leopard Toads and why we need to look after them.

Here is some more information on the amphibians at Die Oog.